8am - 22pm CET +48 606 743 890


Every art has its author. Here at Galery69 we have one - our duo

For furniture’s to Galery69..The Galery69 Hotel is our showroom, it’s a place where you can see all our projects. The furniture’s were made for the hotel, the hotel was made for the furniture’s. The main point is the art was alive. We can make furniture’s on request or you can order them here in hotel. It’s up to you. Prices of the presented in the art gallery furniture’s on request…invite to the Gallery…

Each design is based on advanced techniques and natural resources; no woodchips, never glue. The more exuberant pieces can appear ascetically simple, while the more ascetic include much content. There are like a great-coat hand-stitched from a tailor, shoes made to measure, like a portrait commissioned from an artist… so unique and very personal. In Galery69 these strange objects interweave with the wonders of nature. The lake steals into the hotel through panoramic windows, filtering the colours.

The idea of our company is exist in harmony with the world. We are not indifferent whether the world will continue after us. Our design is a counterproposal to all things perishable. We are not rushing after whatever is in fashion. We teach respect  for the classics and tradition. Furniture from our company is constructed from precious, long-lasting, and above all recycled materials.  Wood, natural fabrics, stone. Each piece of furniture lasts several generations. It can be restored and repaired at any time and not be thrown away onto a giant junk pile. Food in our restaurant is natural, prepared from the beginning with ecological goods purchased without packaging. All beverages are delivered to Galery69 in returnable bottles. Our wooden tables are not covered with table cloths. We asks the guests not to request for towels to be changed every day. We are on the look-out for new ways to save the world.

See the photo gallery!