‘Why is the hotel so small?’ Or ‘Why is the hotel so big’? Because there are so very few of us. Winter is more about the state of the soul than the season. Cold, snow, or no snow, are of secondary importance. What is crucial is what we want to do with it. Short days mean that we have more time to devote to ourselves. Winter makes us tranquil and prone to pursue our inner lives. This is time for creation, so we create; furniture, objects, pictures, new dishes. We organize concerts and meetings. Our world is what we make it. And going back to the opening statements, there are just few of us, but many enough to create a map of places one goes to find inspiration and not just good weather- not that we do not revel in it when it is good. Snow, ice, thaw- we have an idea for all kinds of weather. The ever-changing weather forces us to be creative. What to do when it’s grey, wet and the sky is like a sheet of steel…well, isn’t it beautiful and nostalgic? Let’s go for it! Let’s cut a hole in ice on the lake, light the candles and wait for dusk. And when the last fading sunrays mingle with the candle- light, this is the time to immerse ourselves in the icy water, in the winter itself. Brief meditation and euphoria. And then, the people and never ending conversations, or rather exothermic discussions about who, who what and where (Osiecka). Winter is all about encounters with nature, about living each day to the full and never letting it go to waste because you feel disappointed. After all, isn’t it the very essence of the art of living?
I have always insisted that Galery69 is a place where sensitive souls meet. Why come here? For inspiration, for passion, for life. We have always been focused on creating our independence- from the seasons, from the weather, from bitter and resentful people, from institutions, networks and social lobbies. We want to exist in a reality that we have created ourselves, in a world that fits us like a glove.
I do believe that in Mazury and Warmia there are people and places that are unique, created solely by the mental effort and radiating the life energy of the region. All this cannot be seen at first sight; you must let your senses become awake and start perceiving.
Nature plays instrumental role. The forest, the lake, these are the places where 4 people are not packed together on one square meter. If you wish, you may see no one, just be completely alone. Is it for everyone? Not really; you need to give it a thought before you come here, it’s a conscious decision as Galery69 is us, an intellectual and aesthetic challenge that we present you with. The rest is up to you. So how are you going to take it? Are you going to take it at all?
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