Shanghai? Hollywood? No and no! Photo Shoot in Dotrotowo! Yes! Yes! Yes!
The unusual happens here. Galery69 is not just a hotel to get a good night’s sleep in- to tell you the truth, the hotel may be full, yet no one is asleep. Our dabbling with furniture and tweaking the interior and exterior of Galery69 seems to be infectious and anyone who is a tad artistic feels the need to bring this artistic streak to fruition here. Thus it is no surprise whatsoever that many people working in media come here to do photo shoots and advertising spots. Sometimes we welcome them with open arms and sometimes we’re a bit less keen- after all we can pout a little too. Our furniture, facilities and numerous trinkets are a proprietary collection with a copyright. Two heads, 6 by 9, this is what we have and for years we have been putting them to good use and sometimes, just sometimes, we fail to be completely charitable and refuse to give our image away for a smile. Now and then we get commercial and suggest our artistic achievements could be used as a background, so please do not be overly surprised if you see Galery69 as an alluring backdrop.
Christmas in the middle of summer!Pure illusion
Recently something extraordinary has happened here- Christmas in the middle of summer! Pure illusion created by the lights, scenography and cameras. Every soul on board was busy, beginning with the captain and the officers and ending with simple deck hands. The kitchen was working at full throttle to feed the photo crew of 40, Mr. Krzyś, our sommelier, was pouring wine with a vengeance, after all it is a commonly known fact that wine is conducive to inspiration, the boss was frantically looking for suitable sets while our son, Tomek, valiantly guided the crew through the meanders of the forest and sailed ‘Czarek’s Pearl’. A word of explanation is in order here- Mr. Czarek is the owner of a glorious sailboat and since he has an artistic streak he lent us his boat with no hesitation whatsoever, even though it took him months to build this wonderful wooden yacht. I should also mention that Mr. Czarek is the very same person who made breathtakingly beautiful iron balustrades for our hotel. And the last, but not the least important helper was our daughter, Hania, who had a brief stint as a double when the model was swaying on her feet with exhaustion. Our brave, willowy girl helped to prepare the set and arrange the lights too-that makes me wonder, was it just a new experience or the first step to career? Anyway, all the best to the photo crew and may all beautiful girls find YES jewellery under the Christmas tree this year.
e x p l o r e YES j e w e l r y !

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