On the journey we have to take something to eat. This gives a deeper meaning to the trip. Sandwiches and a thermos of coffee is a simple solution but is it really what we want? Perhaps rather canteen and a small gas cylinder? Water taken from the river [water like crystal] and make a fresh crucible brass excellent coffee with a pinch of salt and cardamom? A very important part of the expedition is the length of the route and the time you want to devote to it. The more the better. Hurry while relaxing is not indicated. This is it about introduction and encouragement.
Route 1: Reserve of Warmia Forest. Objective: Lyna river.
Bike option: 24 miles biking, 4 km walk, time: 2.5 hours.
Tour option: 28 km, time: 5-6 hours.
This expedition could set off alone and use the map received from us, but in the case when we take some trip organizations we offer a package guide.
The hotel has a small bicycle rental service. A bicycle is available for 15 PLN for each commenced hour.